TCP Frequently Asked Questions
TCP Frequently Asked Questions
TCP Frequently Asked Questions
Are TCP courses open to students outside the School of Engineering?
Yes. Although our courses are designed primarily for engineering students, they cover principles and issues that are applicable to a wide range of disciplines, including the sciences, mathematics, medicine, earth, energy and environmental sciences, social sciences, education, and business.
Are there any other restrictions on enrollment?
Some of our courses have enrollment caps or require instructor permission. For details, see explore courses (
What is the difference between Engr 202W and Engr 202S, and which should I take?
Engr 202W, Technical Writing, is a regular course, with two class meetings per week, structured around the principles of effective technical writing for various kinds of readers and purposes. Assignments are designed to allow students to apply principles covered in the class. It also includes a one-on-one conferencing component for some assignments. Engr 202S, Directed Writing Projects, is personal writing instruction consisting solely of weekly meetings in which the student and the instructor work one-on-one on an independent project or projects, e.g., a dissertation, journal or conference paper, thesis, or research and teaching statements. Students seeking to learn the fundamentals of technical writing and to practice writing different types of documents (both academic and professional) in a structured classroom and workshop setting are advised to take Engr 202W. Students seeking extended individual writing instruction that will help them improve their writing skills and complete a specific personal writing project(s) are advised to take Engr 202S. Engr. 202S can be repeated for credit. No prerequisite for either 202W or 202S. Both courses are offered Autumn, Winter, and Spring.
Can undergraduates take Engr 202S?
Yes. Although most of the students who enroll in Engr 202S are graduate students, this directed writing tutorial can also be very useful for undergrads who are working on an honors thesis, journal/conference paper, or other independent writing project.
Can undergraduates take Engr 202W?
Engr 202W is a graduate level course, but advanced and highly motivated undergrads may take it with permission of the instructor. Interested undergraduates are encouraged to take Engr 102W, Writing for Engineers.
Can I get help from TCP without enrolling in a course?
Yes! For short-term help with a writing project or a presentation, please click on the “Consulting request form” button on the TCP home page (
Do I have to be a student in the School of Engineering to request a consultation?
No! Our instructors and tutors can provide feedback to students from a wide range of disciplines, such as the biosciences, chemistry, applied physics, earth, energy and environmental sciences and STS. We welcome students from across the university.
Mary McDevitt, Ph.D., Director of the TCP