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Faculty Awards 2007-2008


Faculty Awards 2007-2008

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During the academic year 2007-08, faculty members were recognized for their research or teaching. Click on a name to see additional information about that faculty member.

Name Award Date Primary Department
Russ Altman (https://profiles.stanford.edu/russ-altman) Fellow, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering 2007 Bioengineering
Ali Boehm (https://profiles.stanford.edu/alexandria-boehm) NSF CAREER Award 2007 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Gill Bejerano (https://profiles.stanford.edu/gill-bejerano) Sloan Research Fellowship 2008 Computer Science
Jennifer Cochran (https://profiles.stanford.edu/jennifer-cochran) McCormick Award 2007 Bioengineering
Yi Cui (https://profiles.stanford.edu/yi-cui)

MDV Innovators Award

ONR Young Investigator Award

KAUST Investigator Award




Materials Science and Engineering
Greg Deierlein (https://profiles.stanford.edu/gregory-deierlein) ASCE Norman Medal 2008 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Karl Deisseroth (https://profiles.stanford.edu/karl-deisseroth) Popular Science magazine "Brilliant 10" 2008 Bioengineering
Scott Delp (https://profiles.stanford.edu/scott-delp)

Van C. Mow Medal

ASME Fellow



Shanhui Fan (https://profiles.stanford.edu/shanhui-fan) Fellow, Optical Society of America 2007 Electrical Engineering
Edward Feigenbaum ACM Fellow 2008 Computer Science
Ron Fedkiw (https://profiles.stanford.edu/ron-fedkiw) Academy Award 2007 Computer Science
Oliver Fringer (https://profiles.stanford.edu/oliver-fringer) ONR Young Investigator 2008 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Bernd Girod (https://profiles.stanford.edu/bernd-girod) Fellow, European Signal Processing Association 2008 Electrical Engineering
Robert Gray (https://profiles.stanford.edu/robert-gray)

Claude E. Shannon Award of the IEEE Information Theory Society

Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal

2008 Electrical Engineering
Leo Guibas (https://profiles.stanford.edu/leonidas-guibas) ACM – AAAI Allen Newell Award 2007 Computer Science
Stephen Harris (https://profiles.stanford.edu/stephen-harris) Harvey Prize 2008 Electrical Engineering
Umnran Inan Appleton Prize by the International Radio Science Union 2008 Electrical Engineering
Anne Kiremidjian (https://profiles.stanford.edu/anne-kiremidjian) Emilio Rosenblueth Distinguished Lecture at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México  2008 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Daphne Koller (https://profiles.stanford.edu/daphne-koller) ACM-Infosys Foundation Award 2008 Computer Science
Scott Klemmer Sloan Research Fellowship 2008 Computer Science
Sanjay Lall (https://profiles.stanford.edu/sanjay-lall)

George S. Axelby Outstanding Paper Award

Presidential Early Career Award in Science and Engineering (PECASE)

2007 Aeronautics & Astronautics
Monica S. Lam (https://profiles.stanford.edu/monica-lam) ACM Fellow 2008 Computer Science
Marc Levoy (https://profiles.stanford.edu/marc-levoy) ACM Fellow 2008 Computer Science
David Luenberger (https://profiles.stanford.edu/david-luenberger) Member, NAE 2008 Management Science and Engineering
Mike McGehee MDV Innovators Award 2007 Materials Science and Engineering
Subhasish Mitra (https://profiles.stanford.edu/subhasish-mitra)

SIGDA's outstanding new faculty award




Computer Science
Rajeev Motwani ACM Fellow 2008 Computer Science
Andrew Ng Technology Review magazine TR35 2008 Computer Science
William Nix (https://profiles.stanford.edu/william-nix) MRS Von Hippel Award 2007 Materials Science and Engineering
Oyekunle Olukotun IEEE Fellow 2007 Electrical Engineering
Arogyaswami Paulraj (https://profiles.stanford.edu/arogyaswami-paulraj) Associate Fellow, Third World Academy of Sciences 2007 Electrical Engineering
Fritz Prinz (https://profiles.stanford.edu/friedrich-prinz) Fellow, American Assocation for the Advancement of Science 2007 Mechanical Engineering
Stephen Quake (https://profiles.stanford.edu/stephen-quake) Fellow, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering 2007 Bioengineering
Eric S. Roberts (https://profiles.stanford.edu/eric-roberts) ACM Fellow 2008 Computer Science
Tim Roughgarden PECASE 2007 Computer Science
Yoav Shoham (https://profiles.stanford.edu/yoav-shoham) ACM/SIGART Autonomous Agents Research Award 2008 Computer Science
Robert Sutton (https://profiles.stanford.edu/robert-sutton) Quills Award 2007 Management Science & Engineering
Charley Taylor Fellow, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering 2007 Bioengineering
Jelena Vuckovic (https://profiles.stanford.edu/jelena-vuckovic)

Presidential Early Career Award in Science and Engineering (PECASE)

2007 Electrical Engineering


Source URL: https://soed9-stage.stanford.edu/faculty-research/faculty-awards-2023-24/faculty-awards-2007-2008