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The ACE Leadership Team

Are you an undergraduate student enrolled or interested in ACE?Are you a graduate student interested in ACE CA opportunities?
If you are an undergraduate student interested in or enrolled in an ACE course, inquiries may be directed to Karolina Reyes and/or the Lead ACE CAsIf you are a graduate student interested in the ACE or Lead ACE CA position, inquiries may be directed to Karolina Reyes and/or the Lead ACE CAs.

Karolina Reyes (she/her)
Associate Director, Student Success and Engagement
Contact: karolinr@stanford.edu (mailto:karolinr@stanford.edu)
Oversees: ACE course coordination, course acceptance, student advising, ACE student-related concerns and issues

Jamillah McDaniel Ph.D. (she/her)
Senior Director, Student Success and Engagement
Contact: jamcdan@stanford.edu (mailto:jamcdan@stanford.edu)
Oversees: ACE course coordination, course acceptance, student advising, ACE student-related concerns and issues

Jackie Hernandez (she/her)
Office of Student Affairs, Programs Administrator
Contact: jackiehz@stanford.edu (mailto:jackiehz@stanford.edu)
Oversees: ACE course coordination, course scheduling, ACE student-related concerns and issues

Yasmine Mabene (she/her)
Lead ACE CA | Coterminal MS student in Computer Science
Contact: ymabene@stanford.edu (mailto:ymabene@stanford.edu)
Manages: ACE Course Assistants (CAs), CA recruitment, CA on-boarding and training, CA development, student advising, ACE student-related concerns and issues

Alka Panda (she/her)
Lead ACE CA | PhD Student in Aeronautics and Astronautics
Contact: alkap@stanford.edu (mailto:alkap@stanford.edu)
Manages: ACE Course Assistants (CAs), CA recruitment, CA on-boarding and training, CA development, student advising, ACE student-related concerns and issues

Source URL: https://soed9-stage.stanford.edu/students-academics/equity-and-inclusion-initiatives/undergraduate-programs/additional-courses-2