| Engineering

2015 Heroes


2015 Heroes

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Andreas Acrivos

Andreas Acrivos is an internationally recognized educator and researcher who helped transform the field of chemical engineering, especially in the areas of fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer. Read about Andreas Acrivos (https://engineering.stanford.edu/about/heroes/andreas-acrivos)

Marcian “Ted” Hoff

Marcian “Ted” Hoff is best known as the architect of the first microprocessor — the Intel 4004. Read about Marcian “Ted” Hoff (https://engineering.stanford.edu/about/heroes/ted-hoff)

Charles Simonyi

Charles Simonyi is a high-tech pioneer, philanthropist and space traveler. Read about Charles Simonyi (https://engineering.stanford.edu/about/heroes/2015-heroes/charles-simonyi)

Source URL: https://soed9-stage.stanford.edu/about/history/heroes/2015-heroes