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​Building extreme electronics for extreme conditions


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​Building extreme electronics for extreme conditions

Aerospace engineer Debbie Senesky is designing next-generation electronic devices that can withstand the outer limits of of outer space.

Harsh conditions on the surface of Venus | Image courtesy of NASA

Harsh conditions on the surface of Venus | Image courtesy of NASA

While Venus is billed as Earth’s twin, in reality it could not be much different.

The clouds rain sulfuric acid and surface temperatures hover around 480°C — so hot that Earthly electronics begin to fail, if they don’t melt first.

Senesky (https://profiles.stanford.edu/debbie-senesky) is at the forefront of a new wave of electronics engineering of devices that can withstand such extreme temperatures, corrosiveness and radiation. Join her for a fascinating look at the future of extreme electronics.


Source URL: https://soed9-stage.stanford.edu/news/building-extreme-electronics-extreme-conditions