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Solving big problems with tiny prototypes


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Solving big problems with tiny prototypes

Stanford BioX fellow Joel Sadler describes how his team designed the JaipurKnee prosthetic, an affordable knee joint for amputees.

Joel Sadler is a BioX Fellow at Stanford University, where he explores enhancing human creativity with better prototyping tools. While studying engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he became interested in the needs of wheelchair users and developed a love of the design process applied to the human body.

In this inspiring TEDx Jamaica talk Joel Saddler describes how he, as part of a team, designed the JaipurKnee prosthetic, an affordable knee joint for amputees that has impacted thousands of lives. Joel's work on the JaipurKnee has received worldwide recognition, including being honored by Time Magazine as one of the top 50 inventions of 2009.

Source URL: https://soed9-stage.stanford.edu/news/solving-big-problems-tiny-prototypes