| Engineering

Aeronautics & Astronautics


Aeronautics & Astronautics

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The Aeronautics & Astronautics department performs research dedicated to advancing the state-of-the-art disciplines, systems and design.

We focus on analysis methods needed to further our nation’s aerospace enterprise, and to educate our students to be lifetime learners, entrepreneurs, achievers and leaders.

Two students looking at a computer monitor

What are we researching? (https://aa.stanford.edu/research/overview)

We specialize in high-risk research that leads to disruptive technologies. Our current strategic thrusts focus on autonomous systems, cyber safety for transportation, future aircraft design and distributed space systems.


Woman holding laptop and reaching for cylinder in lab

Undergraduate program (https://aa.stanford.edu/academics-admissions/undergraduate-major-minor)

Launched in fall 2017, Aeronautics and Astronautics now offers an undergraduate program.



Drone hovering in front of two students in lab

What is it like for graduate students? (https://aa.stanford.edu/academics/graduate-programs)

The department graduates 11 percent of the nation’s PhDs in aeronautics and astronautics. We recruit from a large and exceptionally strong pool of applicants with diverse backgrounds, including physics, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and, of course, aerospace engineering.

Source URL: https://soed9-stage.stanford.edu/faculty-research/departments/aeronautics-astronautics