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Support Engineering


Support Engineering

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Support world-class faculty

“Now that I’m at Stanford, I want to make those sorts of interdisciplinary connections on a large scale. I want to pull the School of Engineering even closer to the School of Medicine, and work on creating innovative drug delivery systems. Stanford is a powerhouse when it comes to making new technology for early detection and diagnosis of disease, and there’s a huge opportunity for growth in drug delivery.”

- Joseph DeSimone, Sanjiv Sam Gambhir Professor of Translational Medicine and Chemical Engineering

“I wanted to give back to Stanford Engineering to allow other students and researchers to continue to have the same opportunities I was given at Stanford, and to continue to push the boundaries of technology.”

-Cory Combs, BS/MS ’09, Mechanical Engineering


Source URL: https://soed9-stage.stanford.edu/get-involved/support-engineering