2014 Heroes
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Kenneth Arrow
Kenneth Arrow earned the 1972 Nobel Prize in Economics with Sir John Hicks for pioneering contributions to general equilibrium theory and welfare theory — theories underlying the assessment of business risk and government economic and welfare policies. Read about Kenneth Arrow

Sergey Brin
Sergey Brin cofounded web search giant Google Inc. in 1998 with fellow Stanford student Larry Page. Read about Sergey Brin

Irmgard Flügge-Lotz
Irmgard Flügge-Lotz (1903-1974) was internationally renowned for her many important contributions to aerodynamics and to automatic control theory. Read about Irmgard Flügge-Lotz

Edward Ginzton
Edward Ginzton (1915-1998), cofounder of Varian Associates, helped pioneer the development of klystron radio tubes for use in radar and linear accelerators. Read about Edward Ginzton

Larry Page
Larry Page is chief executive officer and cofounder of Google Inc., the world’s dominant web search company. Read about Larry Page

Sally Ride
Sally Ride (1951-2012) was the first American woman to fly in space. Read about Sally Ride