Management Science & Engineering
Management Science and Engineering spans engineering, business and public policy, including areas such as data modeling, behavioral science, finance, entrepreneurship, risk, operations and decision-making.

Collectively, the faculty have deep expertise in two major disciplines: quantitative modeling (and related algorithms) and the behavioral sciences. Our dual focus is unique among our peer departments and creates a platform for building innovative knowledge, tools and techniques useful to firms, non-profit organizations and government.

What is it like for undergraduate students?
Many students view an MS&E degree as a quantitatively-oriented engineering and business education with technology underpinnings. This prepares them well for the data-driven challenges of the future in business, public service and academia.

What is it like for graduate students?
Theses degrees prepare engineers for a lifelong career addressing the critical technical and managerial needs of private and public organizations. The program emphasizes developing analytic abilities, making better decisions, developing and executing strategies and leading people who innovate.