Endowed Professorships
We are fortunate to count among our faculty many luminaries whose excellence sets them apart.
These individuals help make Stanford Engineering one of the truly great technical institutions in the world. Endowed professorships are the highest honor we can bestow on these outstanding faculty.
Help us achieve our vision for the future of Engineering and all that we value as a university — excellence, innovation, education and service. The endowment generates income that guarantees the holder’s salary, a structure that not only helps us acknowledge the accomplishments of a deserving faculty member, but also allows us to free funds for other purposes, such as attracting top young faculty.
Endowed chairs help ensure Stanford Engineering’s continued excellence and leadership by providing financial stability to the university and the school. The donors who make this possible are an elite group of Stanford’s most visionary and generous friends.
An endowed professorship can be established
with a gift of $6 million.

Support world-class faculty
“Now that I’m at Stanford, I want to make those sorts of interdisciplinary connections on a large scale. I want to pull the School of Engineering even closer to the School of Medicine, and work on creating innovative drug delivery systems. Stanford is a powerhouse when it comes to making new technology for early detection and diagnosis of disease, and there’s a huge opportunity for growth in drug delivery.”
- Joseph DeSimone, Sanjiv Sam Gambhir Professor of Translational Medicine and Chemical Engineering