Computer Science
The computer science department continues to lead the world in computer science research and education.
Throughout the past four decades, the department has influenced society at levels that remain without parallel among academic institutions. Its spin-offs are among the most successful corporate ventures in the world, and many of the leaders in the academic and corporate research world are our graduates.

Strong research groups exist in areas of artificial intelligence, robotics, foundations of computer science, scientific computing and systems.

What is it like for undergraduate students?
The CS curriculum provides knowledge that is applicable across many fields, including many areas of engineering, science, and medicine. Students receive a strong foundation in computer science as well as specialized knowledge through the student’s choice of track.

What is it like for graduate students?
With faculty and resources that are among the strongest in the world, students have the opportunity to participate in leading-edge academic research carried out at Stanford. The main educational goal is to prepare students for research and teaching careers either in universities or in industry