Summer Session Grants
Summer Session Grants (SSG) enable engineering students who started in Math 18 or Chem 11 to take a course over the summer quarter. Courses may be taken at Stanford or other accredited colleges and universities.
The program assists undergraduate students in completing coursework required for an engineering major during the summer quarter at Stanford or other accredited colleges and universities. Courses include engineering requirements (fundamentals, science, chemistry, CME, math), other degree requirements like WAYS and foreign language, or other courses that would alleviate a high-unit quarter during the academic year.

The grants are intended for engineering students with financial need who come from under-resourced schools or environments with limited exposure to and preparation for an engineering curriculum. Students must have started the math curriculum at Stanford in Math 18.
These grants are designed to help students complete a single undergraduate engineering major and will not be disbursed for plans to complete coterms, minors, second majors, or pre-med requirements. Funds may also not be used for CPT.
We consider students at two points in their undergraduate career:
Juniors who meet the following requirements:
- Started in Math 18 in their freshman year
- Declared an engineering major
- Have never used a Summer Session Grant
- Need an additional course over the summer before senior year to be able to graduate at the end of their senior year
For juniors, any course required for graduation, whether for their engineering major or general education requirements, will be considered.
Freshmen who meet one of the following sets of requirements:
Math 18
- Took and passed Math 18 in the autumn
- Earned a B or better in Math 19 in the winter
- Enrolled in Math 20 in the spring
- Intend to declare an engineering major
Chem 11
- Be enrolled in Chem 11 in the spring
- Earned a B or better in Stanford math classes beyond Math 18 both Autumn and Winter
- Enrolled in Math 21 in the spring if not already completed
- Intend to declare an engineering major which requires chemistry
For freshmen, who qualify under the Math 18 rule, any STEM course approved by the School of Engineering to count towards math and science requirements (or the equivalent of these courses taught at another campus) will be considered. For freshmen who qualify under the Chem 11 rule, only chemistry courses will be considered.
Grant requests cannot exceed the cost of the summer course(s), and a maximum of $7,250 per student will be granted regardless of total tuition cost. $7,250 will cover the tuition for up to 5 units at Stanford over the summer, but it may cover multiple courses at other institutions. Students who receive financial aid may be eligible to request an advance (see flowcharts under “Application Details”).
Application Details
There are two paths for SSG funding: Stanford classes and off-campus courses. Please see the following flowcharts for application, reimbursement, and deadline information.
Your application will not be considered complete until you have uploaded the following in PDF format:
- For frosh only: your transcript with your application.
- For juniors only: your final year plan, a transcript, program sheets for your major, and a description of the equivalent course at Stanford (including college, course number, and description).
NOTE: An incomplete application WILL DELAY a timely response to your request.
Application will open Spring 2025
Please note: 2024 Students taking off-campus courses ONLY, must submit reimbursement materials by September 30, 2024.
Description | Deadline |
Online application and supporting material received from students | May 19, 2025 |
Award details sent to students | June 2, 2025 |
Accept/decline the deadline for students | June 9, 2025 |
Students taking off-campus courses ONLY: Submittal of reimbursement materials | Sep. 29, 2025 |
Pre-approval petition
Darlene Lazar (she/her)
Student Affairs Administrator
(650) 723-5984
Huang Engineering Center 135
Martha Schmidhauser (she/her)
Accounting Associate
Huang Engineering Center 135
Advising, course scheduling, or four-year plans