Catalyst teams highlight high-risk, high-reward research

Many of the themes emerging from the university’s long-range vision tightly align with the mission and priorities of the School of Engineering. One thing I am particularly pleased about is the number of times throughout the planning process that the Stanford Catalyst for Collaborative Solutions was mentioned as a model for jumpstarting big and exciting new research initiatives.
The university-wide interest in the Catalyst is a testament to the success of the program, which you may remember was launched in late 2016 to foster university-wide interdisciplinary research that takes on significant global challenges. To date, the Catalyst has announced significant grants totaling approximately $9 million, enabling five teams of scholars from throughout the university to do the kind of high-risk, high-reward research that is not otherwise easily funded.
Four of these teams gave short talks about their Catalyst research during Reunion Homecoming Weekend earlier this year. You can watch them here. I think you will agree that they are truly impressive and important endeavors.
Jennifer Widom
Frederick Emmons Terman Dean, Stanford School of Engineering
Fletcher Jones Professor in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering