Dec 2, 2014 Stanford Engineers find that certain types of underwater waves may harm deep-water organisms Environment
Nov 26, 2014 Stanford engineers invent high-tech mirror to beam heat away from buildings into space Environment, Materials
Nov 3, 2014 Stanford engineers discover how to record the forensic history of chemical contaminations in water Environment, Materials
Jul 31, 2014 Stanford engineer’s study shows effects of biomass burning on climate, health Environment, Health
Feb 26, 2014 Offshore wind farms could tame hurricanes before they reach land, Stanford-led study says Energy, Environment
Jan 27, 2014 Engineers teach old chemical new tricks to make cleaner fuels, fertilizers Environment, Materials
Dec 6, 2013 Stanford researchers find merit in sub-Saharan Africans buying water from neighbors Environment
Nov 25, 2013 Study to assess how heat and moisture will affect the lifespan of utility-scale photovoltaic arrays Energy, Environment
Oct 29, 2013 Work by Stanford chemical engineers could lead to greener fuels, fertilizers and petrochemicals Energy, Environment, Materials
Sep 16, 2013 Stanford scientists use ‘wired microbes’ to generate electricity from sewage Environment, Materials
May 15, 2013 New Stanford Nanoscavengers Could Usher In Next Generation Water Purification Environment, Health
Mar 25, 2013 New type of solar structure cools buildings in full sunlight Energy, Environment, Materials
Nov 26, 2012 Underwater robots from Stanford smart enough to explore treacherous deep-ocean terrain Environment, Transportation & Robotics
Jul 18, 2012 Stanford researchers calculate global health impacts of the Fukushima nuclear disaster Energy, Environment