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Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Hai Wang
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Hai Wang is Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University. His research interests are high-speed propulsion, combustion, and renewable energy conversion. His current research topics include combustion chemistry of conventional and renewable fuels, detonation, high-speed propulsion, quantum-chemistry guided battery materials design, and transport theories. He is the author and coauthor of recent papers in scholarly journals, including "Stable sodium-sulfur electrochemistry enabled by phosphorus-based complexation" in PNAS, “Geometric modeling and analysis of detonation cellular stability" in Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, "Flame-formed carbon nanoparticles exhibit quantum dot behaviors" in PNAS, "Nanoparticles in dilute gases: Equivalence of momentum accommodation and surface adsorption" in Physical Review E, "A Physics-based approach to modeling real-fuel combustion chemistry. I. Evidence from experiments, and thermodynamic, chemical kinetic and statistical considerations" in Combustion and Flame, and “Formation of nascent soot and other condensed-phase materials in flames” in Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. He was the Editor-in-Chief of Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, a highly influential energy journal published by Elsevier with an impact factor of 35.3 (2021). Currently, he serves as the President of the Combustion Institute - an international, non-profit, educational and scientific society that promotes and disseminates research activities in all areas of combustion science and technology for the advancement of many communities around the world.
Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, Fuel Science (1992)
M.S., Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan, Chemical Engineering (1986)
B.Eng., East China University of Science and Technology, Polymer Materials Science and Engineering (1984)
(650) 497-0433
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